162 Brewery

Datediff Overflow Error in Dockerized SQL Server

Recently, I encountered an interesting error while using SQL Server in a Docker container. The error was a Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException with the message “The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large.”

Self-signed certificate on mac

If you have created a self-signed certificate with .NET CLI, it only seems to work with localhost, and not custom domains. To install a self-signed certificate and use with a custom domain on Kestrel you could follow theese steps to make it work on mac.

Custom component not being displayed in assets pane

I installed AddOn.Episerver.Settings in a CMS 12 project. Acccording to the documentation there should be a settings tab showing up under the assets pane. For me this didn’t show up and I couldn’t figure out why

When to use git pull --rebase

When the tip of your local branch is behind he remote branch, you can’t push to orgin. This happens if you pulled and worked in a branch, made some changes and commited them, while someone else have made changes and pushed them to origin.