If you have created a self-signed certificate with .NET CLI, it only seems to work with localhost, and not custom domains. To install a self-signed certificate and use with a custom domain on Kestrel you could follow theese steps to make it work on mac.
This solution assumes you have brew installed. If not you could install it with following command
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
Install mkcert via brew
brew install mkcert
Install the local CA in the system trust store
mkcert -install
Create self-signed certificate .pem and key.pem files with following command, where you pass in the domain you want the certicate for.
mkcert "*.local" localhost 127.0.01 ::1
This should generate an output like this
Created a new certificate valid for the following names đ
- "*.local"
Warning: many browsers don't support second-level wildcards like "*.local" â ī¸
- "localhost"
- "127.0.01"
- "::1"
Reminder: X.509 wildcards only go one level deep, so this won't match a.b.local âšī¸
The certificate is at "./_wildcard.local+3.pem" and the key at "./_wildcard.local+3-key.pem" â
Now you have created the self-signed certifate and need to tell Kestrel to use it, which you can do by adding following configuration in appsettings.json.
"Kestrel": {
"Certificates": {
"Default": {
"Path": "./_wildcard.local+3.pem",
"KeyPath": "_wildcard.local+3-key.pem"
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